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※ 특별강연 강사의 프로필 및 세션 초록을 보기위해서는 제목을 클릭하세요. | 일시: 2022년 11월 26일 (토), 서울대학교 치의학대학원 본관 6층 강당 |
등록 및 개회식 사회: 오승한(원광대) | |
13:00~13:10 | 2022년 대한치과재료학회 춘계학술대회 개회사 회장 최한철 |
구두 발표 좌장: 박찬호(경북대) | |
13:10~14:40 | Oral Presentation |
14:40~15:00 | Coffee Break 및 스폰서 온라인 부스 |
포스터 발표 좌장: 권재성(연세대) | |
15:00~16:00 | Poster Presentation |
특별강연 I 좌장: 안진수(서울대) | |
16:00~17:00 | 조영단 교수 (서을대학교 치의학대학원 치주과학교실) |
“치주 및 임플란트 치료에서의 조직공학적 전략” | |
특별강연 II 좌장: 오승한(원광대) | |
17:00~18:00 | 엄수혁 박사 (DNV) |
“치과의료기기 및 치과생체재료의 2017/745 MDR 유럽인증 동향” | |
시상 및 폐회식 사회: 오승한(원광대) | |
18:00-18:30 | 우수 구연 / 포스터 시상 및 정기총회 |
특별강연 I 좌장: 안진수(서울대) | “치주 및 임플란트 치료에서의 조직공학적 전략”조영단 교수 (서을대학교 치의학대학원 치주과학교실) |
특별강연 II 좌장: 오승한(원광대) | “치과의료기기 및 치과생체재료의 2017/745 MDR 유럽인증 동향”엄수혁 박사 (DNV) |
※ Please click session title to have an information about presenter's profile and session abstract. | Date: November 26, 2022 (Sat.), Auditorium, School of Dentistry, Seoul National Univeristy |
Registration & Opening Ceremony Moderator: Seunghan Oh (WKU) | |
13:00~13:10 | Opening Remarks for 2021 Spring Conference of KSDM President: Han-Cheol CHoe (CSU) |
Oral Presentation Chair: Chan-Ho Park (KNU) | |
13:10~14:40 | Oral Presentation |
14:40~15:00 | Coffee Break & Sponsors’ Online booth |
Poster Presentation Chair: Jae-Sung Kwon (YSU) | |
15:00~16:00 | Poster Presentation |
Special Lecture I Chair : Jin-Soo Ahn (SNU) | |
16:00~17:00 | Prof. Young-Dan Cho (Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Seoul National University) |
“Tissue engineering strategies in periodontology and dental implantology” | |
Special Lecture II Chair : Seung-Han Oh (WKU) | |
17:00~18:00 | DR. Soo-Hyuck Uhm (DNV) |
“European Market Approval Trend of Nonactive Dental Device/Biomaterials under New EU 2017/745 MEDICAL DEVICE REGULATION” | |
Awards Ceremony & Closing Moderator: Seunghan Oh (WKU) | |
18:00-18:30 | Awards Ceremony (Oral & Poster) & Annual General Meeting |
Periodontal disease is a major public health issue and the development of effective therapies to treat the disease and regenerate periodontal tissue is an important goal of today's medicine. In the case of tooth extraction due to poor prognosis, dental implant is one of treatment modalities. The way to accelerate bone regeneration and reduce the healing time for functional restoration after implant placement has been a challenge for dental clinicians. Tissue engineering of alveolar bone surrounding teeth or dental implants is achieving the targeted and sustained delivery of growth factors. In this study, we combined the use of CVD technology and BMP gene delivery on titanium for the promotion of bone regeneration and bone to implant contact in vivo. And we developed a regenerative scaffold that improves bone regeneration through tissue-specific delivery of BMPs through nanoparticles.
The application date of 2017/745 MDR is 26 May 2021, when it will officially supersede the 93/42/EC Medical Device Directive (MDD) that came into effect in 1993. Medical device companies that market their products in the EU are now responsible for meeting new, comprehensive requirements and compliance expectations during the entire lifecycle of their products. Every medical device manufacturer, importer, and distributor who wants to continue marketing their product into the EU or initiate business in the EU after 26 May 2021 will be responsible for MDR compliance. This is a significant change for many different organizations around the world. The rigor required by EU notified bodies will affect the time and resources companies need to become MDR compliant based on the risk of the device.
The purpose of this presentation is to highlight new facets of EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) in the medical device industry related biomaterials. The presentation contains references to both MDR legal articles and recommendations that will challenge organizations to take a more holistic viewpoint of their products, resources, and regulatory toolkit to be compliant in the EU.